Welcome to Beach Catholic, the Catholic community at Cal State Long Beach!

You belong here

College can be a lonely time for many students, being away from home and family, and also journeying through big life transitions. You have a home here at Beach Catholic, and we want you to be a part of this family on campus, whether that’s through pickup sports games, beach days, Raising Cane’s runs, or a Bible study.

Join a FOCUS Catholic Bible study with other students

We know how busy the school year can get. It is easy to “check off the box” by going to Sunday Mass…but Christ calls us deeper in Divine Intimacy. Receive accountability, fellowship, and the Word of God in a FOCUS Bible study! There are 7-10 different studies per semester at different days and times throughout the week, varying from The Crux, Salvation History, JPII’s Theology of the Body, the Feminine Genius, to Catholic Social Teaching.

“What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?”

Matthew 16:26

Join the Beach Catholic Slack to stay updated with group hangs, Bible studies, and events!